美國偶像American idol LOS ANGELES) — Lee DeWyze, a paint store clerk who overcame his shyness to impress 酒店經紀"American Idol" judges and viewers with his spirit and soulful voice, triumphed Wednesday over bluesy musician 買房子Crystal Bowersox in the contest's ninth season. When asked by Ryan Seacrest how he felt, an emotional DeWyze 酒店打工said, "I don't know. It's amazing, thank you, guys, so much ... I love you. Crystal , I love you." 資產管理公司,8599,1992184,00.html最新的美國偶像是李迪懷玆他是油漆店裡的員工當主持人問他居酒屋當選感言他說: 我不知道, 真是太神奇了!謝謝大家, 我愛你, 克里斯多包爾撒(第2名)主持人特別強調是觀眾票選的! (是喔???現資產管理公司場唱多好幾處拉不上去???原本大家看好是女生出局,賽門本季開始就說了,還有今天早上, 台灣時間,還宣佈了令一件事, 就是毒舌術後面膜賽門考再也不當裁判了, 當被問及那脽來接手, 他避重就輕的說, 妳們,觀眾, 才是裁判"I didn't think I was going to 賣屋be this emotional and I genuinely am. ... Everybody asks who's going to replace me, who going to be the next 情趣用品judge. The truth is," he told the audience, "you guys are the judge of this show and you've done an 賣屋incredible job over the years." .)

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